* edu.princeton.wordnet.pojos.app
* WordNetQueries.java
* @author Bernard Bou
package edu.princeton.wordnet.pojos.app;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.Query;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.Transaction;
import edu.princeton.wordnet.pojos.Lexlink;
import edu.princeton.wordnet.pojos.Morphmap;
import edu.princeton.wordnet.pojos.Semlink;
import edu.princeton.wordnet.pojos.Sense;
import edu.princeton.wordnet.pojos.Synset;
import edu.princeton.wordnet.pojos.Word;
* WordNet queries (sample application)
* @author Bernard Bou
public class WordNetQueries
// Q U E R Y
* Wrapper class
* @author Bernard Bou
static abstract class WordQuery
* Make Hibernate query
* @param thisSession
* Hibernate session
* @return Hibernate query
protected abstract Query make(Session thisSession);
* Process set resulting from executing this query Assumes the query yields a set of Words
* @param thisQuery
* Hibernate query
static private void process(final Query thisQuery)
final Iterator thisResultSet = thisQuery.iterate();
while (thisResultSet.hasNext())
final Word w = (Word) thisResultSet.next();
public void run()
final Session thisSession = SessionFactoryUtil.getInstance().openSession();
catch (final RuntimeException e)
// throw again the first exception
throw e;
public void runInTransaction()
Transaction thisTransaction = null;
final Session thisSession = SessionFactoryUtil.getInstance().openSession();
thisTransaction = thisSession.beginTransaction();
catch (final RuntimeException e)
if (thisTransaction != null && thisTransaction.isActive())
// this is read-only so transaction is unnecessary
// second try catch as the rollback could fail as well
catch (final HibernateException e1)
System.err.println("Error rolling back transaction"); //$NON-NLS-1$
// throw again the first exception
throw e;
static WordQuery allWords = new WordQuery()
protected Query make(final Session session)
return session.createQuery("from Word"); //$NON-NLS-1$
static class WordQueryFromLemma extends WordQuery
private final String theLemma;
public WordQueryFromLemma(final String thisLemma)
this.theLemma = thisLemma;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see edu.princeton.wordnet.pojos.app.WordNetQueries.WordQuery#make(org.hibernate.Session)
protected Query make(final Session session)
final Query thisQuery = session.createQuery("from Word where lemma = :lemma"); //$NON-NLS-1$
thisQuery.setString("lemma", this.theLemma); //$NON-NLS-1$
return thisQuery;
static class WordQueryFromLikeness extends WordQuery
private final String thePattern;
public WordQueryFromLikeness(final String thisPattern)
this.thePattern = thisPattern;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see edu.princeton.wordnet.pojos.app.WordNetQueries.WordQuery#make(org.hibernate.Session)
protected Query make(final Session session)
final Query thisQuery = session.createQuery("from Word where lemma like :pattern"); //$NON-NLS-1$
thisQuery.setString("pattern", this.thePattern); //$NON-NLS-1$
return thisQuery;
static class WordQueryFromId extends WordQuery
private final int theId;
public WordQueryFromId(final int thisId)
this.theId = thisId;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see edu.princeton.wordnet.pojos.app.WordNetQueries.WordQuery#make(org.hibernate.Session)
protected Query make(final Session thisSession)
final Query thisQuery = thisSession.createQuery("from Word where wordid = :id"); //$NON-NLS-1$
thisQuery.setInteger("id", this.theId); //$NON-NLS-1$
return thisQuery;
// G E T T E R
* Wrapper class
* @author Bernard Bou
static class WordGetter
private final int theId;
public WordGetter(final int thisId)
this.theId = thisId;
* Get word
* @param thisSession
* Hibernated Session
* @param thisWordId
* wordid
* @return word
private Word get(final Session thisSession)
return (Word) thisSession.get(Word.class, new Integer(this.theId));
* Get word
* @param thisWordId
* wordid
public void run()
final Session thisSession = SessionFactoryUtil.getInstance().openSession();
catch (final RuntimeException e)
// throw again the first exception
throw e;
// P R O C E S S
* Process word
* @param thisWord
* word
static void process(final Word thisWord)
System.out.printf("%s\n", Utils.word2String(thisWord)); //$NON-NLS-1$
final Set theseSenses = thisWord.getSenses();
if (theseSenses != null)
for (final Sense thisSense : theseSenses)
final Synset sy = thisSense.getSynset();
// semantic relations
final Set sls1 = sy.getSemlinksForSynset1id();
for (final Semlink sl1 : sls1)
System.out.println(Utils.semLink2String(sl1, true));
// lexical relations
final Set lls1 = sy.getLexlinksForSynset1id();
for (final Lexlink ll1 : lls1)
System.out.println(Utils.lexLink2String(ll1, true));
// semantic relations
final Set sls2 = sy.getSemlinksForSynset2id();
for (final Semlink sl2 : sls2)
System.out.println(Utils.semLink2String(sl2, false));
// lexical relations
final Set lls2 = sy.getLexlinksForSynset2id();
for (final Lexlink ll2 : lls2)
System.out.println(Utils.lexLink2String(ll2, false));
// U T I L I T I E S
static class Utils
* Get words in synset
* @param thisSynset
* synset
* @return array of lemma strings
static String[] getWords(final Synset thisSynset)
final List theseWords = new ArrayList();
for (final Sense thisSense : thisSynset.getSenses())
return theseWords.toArray(new String[theseWords.size()]);
* Get morphological forms for word
* @param thisWord
* word
* @return array of morphological strings
static String[] getMorphs(final Word thisWord)
final List theseMorphs = new ArrayList();
for (final Morphmap thisMorphmap : thisWord.getMorphmaps())
return theseMorphs.toArray(new String[theseMorphs.size()]);
* Flatten array of strings to one string
* @param theseStrings
* array of strings
* @return string
static String array2String(final String[] theseStrings)
final StringBuffer thisBuffer = new StringBuffer();
int i = 0;
for (final String thisString : theseStrings)
if (i++ > 0)
thisBuffer.append(' ');
return thisBuffer.toString();
* Represent word as string
* @param thisWord
* word
* @return string
static String word2String(final Word thisWord)
return String.format("%s #%d [%s]", //$NON-NLS-1$
thisWord.getLemma(), //
thisWord.getWordid(), //
Utils.array2String(Utils.getMorphs(thisWord)) //
); //
* Represent synset as string
* @param thisSynset
* synset
* @return string
static String synset2String(final Synset thisSynset)
return String.format("%s %s #%d {%s} '%s'", //$NON-NLS-1$
thisSynset.getPos(), //
thisSynset.getLexdomain().getLexdomainname(), //
thisSynset.getSynsetid(), //
Utils.array2String(Utils.getWords(thisSynset)), //
thisSynset.getDefinition() //
); //
* Utils semantic link (x R y)
* @param thisSemlink
* semantic link R
* @param processTarget
* whether to process link's target (y) or source (x)
* @return string representing link
static String semLink2String(final Semlink thisSemlink, final boolean processTarget)
final Synset thisSynset = processTarget ? thisSemlink.getSynsetBySynset2id() : thisSemlink.getSynsetBySynset1id();
return String.format("\t%s %s - %s", //$NON-NLS-1$
(processTarget ? "has" : "is"), //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
thisSemlink.getLinktype().getLink(), //
Utils.synset2String(thisSynset) //
* Utils lexical link (x R y)
* @param thisLexlink
* lexical link R
* @param processTarget
* whether to process link's target (y) or source (x)
* @return string representing link
static String lexLink2String(final Lexlink thisLexlink, final boolean processTarget)
final Synset thisSynset = processTarget ? thisLexlink.getSynsetBySynset2id() : thisLexlink.getSynsetBySynset1id();
final Word thisWord = processTarget ? thisLexlink.getWordByWord2id() : thisLexlink.getWordByWord1id();
return String.format("\t%s %s - %s %s", //$NON-NLS-1$
(processTarget ? "has" : "is"), //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
thisLexlink.getLinktype().getLink(), //
thisWord.getLemma(), //
Utils.synset2String(thisSynset) //
* Main
* @param args
* unused
public static void main(final String[] args)
new WordQueryFromLemma("horse").run(); //$NON-NLS-1$
new WordQueryFromId(65264).run();
new WordGetter(65264).run();
new WordQueryFromLikeness("hors%").run(); //$NON-NLS-1$
new WordQueryFromLemma("mouse").run(); //$NON-NLS-1$